Sunday is officially sewing day so I spent mine making a new skirt!
A while back at the fabric store I saw this great thick spandex fabric that I loved so much I bought it in four different colours. I had already made two skirts out of the fabric I bought In teal, so it was about time I used the magenta fabric I'd bought. I loved the idea of a flounce skirt because the fabric is actually somewhat thick the flounce part of the skirt would pouf out in an interesting way. To begin I took my measurements for the main part of the skirt with a little extra for sewing allowance.
Here's a quick drawing of what that looked like:
Once I cut out the front and back of the body of my skirt and sewed them together I could move on to the flounce part. A quick trip back in time to math class was needed for this part. I decided the flounce was going to be a semi-circle pattern so I needed to figure out the measurements for my semi-circle.

Once I had the measurements I could cut out my pattern which looked a bit like the following picture.
Once I had the flounce all I had to do was sew it to the body of my skirt! I personally didn't hem the bottom of the skirt because I thought it looked professional with just a good clean cut.
I am very happy with the results! I'm not a expert sewer so I liked that I was able to do this easily on my own. The fabric itself is pretty great because I can slip the skirt on and off without having to put in a zipper. And because the fabric is thick it's not too revealing (no visible panty lines) and poufs out at the bottom.