I mentioned just in the post before that, I'd probably wear my new top with a skirt in the summer. Upon perusing my wardrobe, I realized I didn't have skirt that would go with it. Best thing about being able to sew? Quickly fixing any wardrobe deficiencies. I saw this metallic purple fabric at a second hand shop for $1 for about 2 metres. That was a year ago and only now have I gotten around to making something out of it.
The fabric is a dark metallic purple which is why it actually looks like different colours in both of the pictures, neither of which actually show what the colour really looks like. All I had to do was add a zipper I had laying around and I managed to make a new skirt in no time. I'll probably get a lot more wear out of the skirt then the top, but I definitely like how the two new pieces look together.